the erly fur trade was from 1500-1603 and the Europeans fished for cod on the east coast the brittish set up stations to dry fish well the french salted their fish
i come bringing fur
phase 2 expanse inland 1603–1670 France dominated the trade and permanently established Quebec The French, made peace with the, Mi’kmaq, Innu and Kichesiprini and becamepartners in the fur trade.
PHASE 3 Rival Networks: 1670–1760 The HBC sought partners to work as middlemen between its fortsalong Hudson Bay and First Nations to the west and Britain and frace started fighting
PHASE 4 The Drive West: 1760–1821The North West Company tookover the French trade networkrunning through the St. LawrenceRiver and the Great Lakes. Thecompany was owned by Britishmerchants, but depended onCanadian and Métis workers. New France became a British colony in 1763.
PHASE 5 Monopoly in the West: 1821–1870The HBC and NWC merged.The furious competition between the Hudson’s Bay Company andthe North West Company led to shootings, fights and hostage-takings. Britain ended the conflict in 1821, by encouraging thecompanies to merge under the name of the Hudson’s Bay Company.