Hi Alec! Nice to see you again, today we will work on your skills. Let me know if you have any question.
Thanks Lillian.
Well, that's called Elascity or Elastic force, and it allows the string on the bow to pull and bounce back
Lillian, how can the bow shoot the arrow?
These arrows are magnetic, so instead they stick to the sign and don't go through.
How come these arrows don't go through the sign?
Alec is back at it again with Archery lessons and he's practing his skills.
Want to hear a funny joke?
Why do fish live in salt water?Because pepper makes them sneeze!
Alec had an important queation for Lillian about his bow. Why was he able to get a arrow out of it with it gettin stuck, what gives it enough motion to move like that?
Bye! Have a great day!
Alec came across another question, why does the point of the arrow not go through the sign?
At the end of the day's practice they went inside to have a snack.
Alec walked home at the end of the day and couldn't wait to go back tomorrow.
I couldn't delete this and keep the rest of my work, so just ignore this box!