A comic, based on the tradgic day everyone remembers...
Presenting...The biography of United Flight 93 and the horrors of this particular event...
The hijackers were described to have knives as weapons, according to flight attendant Sandy Bradshaw, said around 20 minutes later.
Flight 93 was assumedly hijacked at 9:28 a.m. the passengers were very frightened and confused.
Four six-foot four arabian men came out from behind the curtain , with weapons.
Tom Burnett had dialed his wife, Deena, at 9:30 a.m. and spoke for 28 seconds. He spoke softly, trying not to be noticed by the hijackers.
The hijacker was assumed to have called the planes' intercom at 9:31 a.m. and said,Ladies and Gentlemen: Here the captain, please sit down keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit.
Only a few moments later, a hijacker had entered the cockpit...
The captain was assumedly knocked out, but before he had called the cleveland center from the intercom in the cockpit.
A hijacker was reported to have a bomb strapped around his waist, most likely the bomb one of the hijackers had mentioned over the planes' intercom.
According to the Flight 93 Artifacts Document.
According to the Flight 93 Artifacts Document.
20 minutes later from 9:39 a.m., when the plane was hijacked, at 9:59 a.m., the passengers took over flight 93.
At 10:02 a.m., Flight 93 was reported to be nosed down and started rapidly descending.
According to the Flight 93 Artifacts Document and the web.
At 10:03 a.m., United Flight 93 crashed in Stonycreek Township, Somerest County, Pennsylvania, 09/11/01.
According to the Flight 93 Artifacts Document.
At 9:59 a.m., the hijackers that had taken over the cockpit had been interrupted, making the plane go higher in range.
According to the Flight 93 Artifacts Document.
According to the Flight 93 Artifacts Document and the web.
United Flight 93 impacted the ground inverted and at high speed, causing the plane to roughly crash into the ground over 25 feet.