After the war, munitions plants closed, leaving 250,000 people unemployed. Banks boosted interest rates to combat inflation, causing many small businesses to fail and jobs to vanish
Roaring 20's
The labor movement was in the head of attempts to end child labor, offer health benefits, and assist wounded or retired employees.
Women in politics rights
equality for woman!!
no self respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her sex
Mackenzie King is the leader of the liberal party Arthur Meighen is the new leader of the Conservative Party. Liberals received 117 votes, progressives received 64 votes, while conservatives received 50 votes. Mackenzie King was elected as the next leader
The Great Depression
Not only was the economy being remembered, but also the culture. The usage of radio increased, increasing in the promotion and export of American culture and fashion. The new American music style was jazz, and clothing shifted dramatically to "flapper," a style that mirrored the mood of fun and luxury of the time.
Women's roles were primarily that of wives and mothers. Those who were not married had fewer options in terms of employment. Nursing was a low-paying profession; a few went on to become doctors or attorneys, but the majority worked in business or industry as telephone operators or secretaries.
judge woman as people not as wives
The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1939, was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world. It started after the stock market crisis, which caused fear on Wall Street and resulted in the loss of millions of dollars.