Oh God, such a long queue let me pay through the app to save time
Moli still in line
Items scannedProceed for Payment
Moli uses the application payment feature
Items scannedProceed for Payment
Moli scans all the items she purchased through the application and pays through the application
Moli looks for Milk in Kroger, as she can't find it
Please take left after Aisle A 3, go straight and the milk counter is at the end
Moli swipes the open panel feature in the Milk section
Swipe to open the door
Moli scans all the product prices through the application
Moli collects the Milk
I love the app as it can guide me through out the stores
Moli asks the Application to guide her to find the 2% reduced fat milk what she is looking for.She is not more into chat option, so she prefers listening to the voice assistance which guides her to find Milk
Moli swipes the open door feature to open the door of the milk section, she loves the feature as she doesn't have to touch and pull the door by her own
Moli swipes the open door feature to open the door of the milk section and then collects the milk