I hate all of you and I'm going to kill myself and blame it on all of you because I want the attention !!
I'm Gay
I sold drugs
I'm scared
are you sure he's not chokin' on, somethin'?
an epinephrine pen
I'm going to find a teacher and call nine-one-one, Stay with him, okay?
You're under arrest for taking the life of Simon kelleher
someone planted phones in our backpack, Simon was poisoned during detention, Bronwyn, Nate, Cooper, Addy and Mr,Avery were in the room
the car accident distracted us Jake wrote at least one tumbler post. Jake and Simon were friends once, Leah hates simon , Aiden wu hates simon, Simon had a thing for keely
Simon had a violence loving alter ego online, Simon was depressed, Janae seems depressed, Janae and simon stopped being friend
You are under arest
ThemesA truth vs. A lie Bad Things happen for a reasonYou're not perfect. So what? Welcome to the real world (McManus 121) He doesn't get to erase you from the world. God, you made a stupid mistake. It's not you like you murdered someone(McManus 125) I know what its like to tell yourself a lie so often that it becomes the truth(McManus 225)There are some things you can't undo, no matter how good your intentions are(McManus 340)You find out who your real friend are when stuff like this happens(McManus 261)