This is a super pill that makes you clean. i made it for the lab with the explosion today
You weren't supposed to eat it!!!!!!
What the heck owen
Alex has just made a super cleaning pill. just like in real life he made penicillin.
IM DESTROY!!!!!!!!!
Well that didn't go to plan at all
Owen and liam wonder what the pill dose as he hands it to owen for him to look at it.
I hope this works we've been running for hours.
This should make him normal again.
Owen did the unthinkable he ate the pill. This was the biggest mistake.
To think I did this sweet.
But alex's pill didn't make him clean it made him destroy. He destroyed everything, the whole school. They had to chase after him for a long time.
After chasing him down for hours. Alex whipped out his pill maker 9000.
It took all day. Alex saved the day after throwing the pill into his mouth. Just like alexander saved a young boy from a slow painful death. Then the fire department came.