Hello my name is Cole. Before our lesson, I had a general understanding that anthropology was about studying human societies and cultures. I knew that anthropologists conducted research and made observations to better understand different communities, but I didn't have a clear grasp of the specifics.
From our lesson, I learned that anthropology is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses various branches: archaeology, biological anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Each of these branches focuses on different aspects of what makes humans unique, such as our biology, language, and social behaviors. I also learned about the key principles that define anthropology, including relativism, empiricism, adaptational or evolutionary approach, comparativism, and holism.
Overall, my perception of anthropology has changed after this lesson. I now have a clearer understanding of the scope of anthropology and its different branches. I see that anthropology is not only about studying cultures, but it also has practical applications in various fields, including healthcare, consulting, and community development. I appreciate the holistic and comparative approach used in anthropology, which allows for a deeper understanding of human behavior and cultural diversity.