Fun Fact - A lone cow can emit up to 130kg of methane gas a year! This makes us one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions!
Cow farts and burps contain methane, which is a gas that possesses carbon. Through a process called gas exchange, carbon is transferred from the biosphere, and then brought up into the atmosphere
Carbon that resides in the atmosphere can be brought down into the hydrosphere through the movement of carbon in the air into the ocean (gas exchange). The ocean has a reservoir of 38000 gigatons of dissolved carbon.
Fun Fact! Oil can be formed from deceased micro-organisms being buried in sediment at the ocean bed. After years of intense heat and pressure, the dead organism takes form of oil, which transfers carbon from the hydrosphere into the geosphere.
No more fun facts, but oh boy do I sure love flying in carbon!
Carbon can end up into the atmosphere through many ways. Burning fossil fuel is a combustion chemical reaction. A waste product from combustion, carbon dioxide, is transferred into the atmosphere which originated from the geosphere (fossil fuel).