"One of the alarming recent events which has brought sudden public attention to the McLaughlin situation has been a series of ...crucifixions, performed in what seems to be a kind of ritualized protest against the dying of McLaughlin children"
Cerezita don't know nothing
She sees nothing. She looks out the window all day, nomas. What can she see?
Cere knows 'ama
She sees
They lied to us, Lola. They thought we was too stupid to know the difference. They throw some dirt over a dump, put some casas de carton on top of it y dicen que it's the "American Dream".
Vete. Go to your marcha. No tiene nada que ver eso conmigo.
Yes. I was hoping your mother would bring you.
Are you going to the demonstration father?
No. I don't go out.
They claim that the extensive spraying, especially aerial spraying, causes the toxic chemicals to seep into the public water system.
Local residents are outraged by the school board's decision to refuse Arrowhead's offer of free drinking water for the schoolchildren.
They believe local tap water, contaminated by pesticides, to be the chief cause of the high incidence of cancer among children in the area.
Some of the union people were at the rally. They were trying to enlist people to join in the fast with them. I agreed.
That's good. People like to see priests and celebrities sacrificing. I'd do it, too, if anyone would notice me. The trick is to be noticed.