Jake she just said the main difference between them is what they are made of. Asteroids are made up of metals and rocky materials, while comets are made up of ice, dust and rocky material.
Wait, wait, So what's the difference?
A comet and a astero...
Asteroids are made by Dust particles in the early Solar System collided, forming larger clumps, known as planetesimals. Comets are made from frozen leftovers from the formation of the solar system composed of dust, rock, and ices.
Comets and Asteroids
So how are comets and asteroids made?
Do they ever get through?
Comets and Asteroids
So why do we not get hit by them?
Because the Earth's atmosphere Protects us. When they enter Earth's atmosphere they burn up. If you look up in the nights sky sometimes you can see shooting stars and all those are is burning comets/asteroids.
Yes, but very rarely. Almost 95% of comets/asteroids get burnt up. But if they do get through they are then called meteorites.
Comets and Asteroids
Will! WAKE UP!
Asteroids can range from 30 feet to about 300 miles and the largest one has been 329 miles. Comets are about 2000 feet to roughly 12 mils.
How big are comets and asteroids?
Early Earth was considered to be beat up by asteroids and comets. Also astronomers considered comets to have brought the ingredients of life to earth.
Comets orbit the Sun in elliptical paths, just like planets do. The mass of all the asteroids is less than that of Earth's moon.
Comets and Asteroids
Now that you are up, tell me something about comets and asteroids.
No Chance, an asteroid impact will never take us out like the dinosaurs because were are far more advanced and intelligent then they were.