You are under arrest! You have to work for the British Navy now.
Upset Native Americans
These Americans must be stopped at once! Let us form a confederation!
Hear, hear!
Congress Approves Declaration of War
I propose a war with Britain!
We agree!
In the 1800s, Britain was at war with France. When American merchants continued trading with both countries, Britain started limiting trade so France couldn't get supplies, and capturing American sailors to join the British Navy.
Battle at Fort McHenry
Oh, say can you see...
Americans kept tricking Native American chiefs into selling their land for cheap prices. Tecumseh and a confederation of Native American chiefs opposed them. This led to the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811 with William Henry Harrison's forces against Tecumseh's tribe, the Shawnee, in which the natives' village was burnt to the ground.
Battle of New Orleans
Glory to America!
James Madison, who was the president at the time, proposed a war with Britain since America's economy was suffering and the British kept attacking American merchant and military ships like the Chesapeake. In 1812, this became the first time Congress approved a president's declaration of war.
Signing of the Treaty of Ghent
Can we be friends now?
Of course!
During the Battle at Fort McHenry in 1814, Francis Scott Key, an American lawyer, witnessed the battle while detained on a British ship. When he saw the American flag still waving at dawn after a long night, he was inspired to write the poem that later became the national anthem of the U.S. - "The Star-Spangled Banner."
Due to communication issues, the Battle of New Orleans took place two weeks after the war ended, in 1814. The leader of American troops was Andrew Jackson, who gained a lot of fame and support and even became the president later on.
The War of 1812 ended when the Americans and the British signed the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814. No territory changed hands and trade conflicts still weren't resolved. However, many Native Americans tribes suffered greatly because of their loss.