Mom you know how you bought on the margin and invested in some stocks.Well i was looking at them and you quadrupled your money.
All right ali what should we get?Theres new radios,tvs,cars.
I think we should get a new tv and radio.
They decied to go to town and spend the money that they made on things that they want.But little do they know they dont have the money yet.ALis mom never sold the stock
So they spend there money on the new tv and radio not know that they still do not have the money from the stocks.
OH MY,my money just doubled again this is crazy!IIm going to put the rest of my money into the stocks so i make even more.
The bull market contunies to rise and is at a record high.Ali and her mom countine to make money but still have not sold there shares.
OH NO my stocks have crashed nearly 13 percent.I never sold my stocks when they were up.I lost all my money.But wait i still have some money in the bank
This was called the black monday because of how hard the stocks crashed.
Its Monday and she decides to check her stocks affter a long weekend.
Sorry guys we have lost all your money.
A Bank run occours because affter people losing most their money in stocks they need what ever they have in the bank