In page 157 it is shown that George and his sister was approached by the two girls and asked "where they could find flowers"
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Part 2
Earlier this day, the two girls asked me where they could find flowers!
In page 157, it is reported that the girls had gone missing and George joins the search party and mentions to a white adult that "he and his sister had seen the girls earlier in the day" which leads to this course of events.
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Part 3
In page 157, it is known that the girls had been found and George had been immediately arrested because he admitted to seeing the girls.
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Part 4
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El hombres de prision usar un "cerdo en un manta" para la venda.Pero la ciguapa come la comida y mira los hombres de prision ojos.Candice escapar prision, Candice ahora no tiene merced y esta muy furioso con humanos.
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Ahora, la ciguapa no tiene merced y mata todos humanos en el bosque.La leccion es no vayas el bosque en dominican republic.