Cell Cycle:The life cycle of a cell, including the cell dividing
Okay kids, today we're learning about the cell cycle ...
Mr.Tompson, what's a Cell?
Interphase:Normal cell life*DNA starts to get replicated*
Jamal, we went over cells yesterday... anyway, please welcome our guest, the cell, who will be representing a cell...
Mitosis(Prophase and Metaphase)The nucleus goes away and chromatids, replicated chromosomes form again, into chromosomes and line up in the middle of the cell.
After Interphase, the nucleus starts to go away and prophase, a part of mitosis begins...
Mitosis(Anaphase and Telophase)The chromatids are pulled apart from each other by sister chromatids, and two new nuclei start to form around the chromosomes.
After those two phases of mitosis, the chromatids are pulled to opposite sides of the cell, and start to form two new cells!
CytokinesisThe cell membrane pinches down in the middle and the cytoplasma splits in 2, forming 2 new daughter cells.
Finally, after Mitosis, cytokinesis starts, and the cells actually split in two.