The Second Occupation that fits best for Word Smarts Intelligence is a Teacher! Whether it is a English teacher, Math teacher, or any type of Teacher, they will all have the Word smarts Intelligence. That is because everyday, teachers orally communicate with us and make assignments that requires reading and writing. Teachers require communication skills so it can be easier for both the teacher and the student. This occupation relates back to the Word Smarts intelligence since they share the same "requirements" or characteristics with each other. This Occupation had intrigued me in the past but now in the present, I am not interested in this career.
A Teacher!
Okay class, Today we will be learning about Multiple Intelligences..
My third intelligence is Visual smarts. Visual Smarts is a learning method that people can adapt with learning visually. Being creative like drawing, doodling, or even creating abstract shapes and images. My relation with this Intelligence is that I have taken in class art classes throughout my school years. I had a art class last year and learned many techniques of creating a perfect visual. I also learn visually as I believe that when the teacher demonstrates the topic, I will learn and remember the steps more.
The occupation that I think fits best for the Visual Smarts Intelligence is a Artist. I chose an Artist because both the Intelligence and Occupation, they share the most similar traits.