Orb-weaver spiders are a species of spiders that live in rainforest. The spider silk of an orb weaver spider is actually has a golden color. Obb spider webs could actually catch birds in mid-flight scientists have been trying to figure out what makes spider silk so good it's twice 2 times stronger than steel but humans could only see that when does spider silk get sticker otherwise I'll be really easy to cut through. Orb-weaver spiders actually have 6 glands that make up their webs.There are also giant otters Like all otters giant otters have a basic shape a long body That allows him to swim in the water easily whiskers for feeling around in the water for prey and website for fast swimming. Otters are part of a family called the weasel family weasels are really Fierce Hunters a little kid kill up to 12 creatures a minute they have automatic see something move kill it switch in them that will not be stoped.
I will be talking about jaguars giant otters orb weavers hummingbirds spider monkeys and some plants the plants I will be talking about are called mango trees Cocoa Tree Witchery rows apple trees And coconut treez to .
Hi my name is Rian Forrest Rosice or that's what everybody calls me.
Hummingbirds can only see red well and they also don't always however sometimes they perch on tree branches.And like everybody knows hummingbirds can fly in all directions even upside down because the hummingbird's wings make when they beat the figure eight pattern more than 100 times per second this is possible because of the hand like structure of their wings.
Cocoa Trees Do not need that much water and also who if you like chocolate that you guys will love cocoa trees These guys make cocoa beans which were used to make chocolate. Mango trees Go to use make my favorite food of all Mangos give food to toucans another group Fruit eating creatures. You could find mango trees in the canopy do mango trees grow very high .Watchery rowes apple trees where I am from are called wax apples trees their futs are super sweet.Coconut trees that create coconut which the inside is used sometimes to make stuff fly coconut oil but the water is the best
Spider monkeys spider monkeys tails are used like food safety ropes spider monkeys also their hands can rotate in a full 360 degrees also seeing color. And they only have 4 fingers making it more like a grapple making them more like hooks which allows spider monkey just stay in the trees.
Jaguars are a animal species that live in tropical rainforest. Jaguars will eat anything that they can kill when I say anything I mean anything.The orange and black on the Jaguars are meant to perfectly camouflage it with the spots of light coming down and also to the Shadows around it. Here are some creatures jaguars eat, tapir, spider monkeys, crocodiles/ Cayman and rainforest moose .