The Suspect pics up the paper and looks at it over the shoulder to a mid shot from the front as the suspect looks at the paper after a bit of dioaluge it cuts back to the detective
Scene 9
Jack is revealed to be annoyed as he become more agitated by the suspects reaction and pulls out a stack of images filled with pictures. Midshot from the front before switching back to the suspect
Scene 10
The suspect looks at the photo's becoming more and more horrified by each one's story eventally becoming lost in a sea of them metaphoricly
Scene 11
The suspect breaks down into tears dropping the photo's refusing to look at them which angers Jack can cuts to a longshot as he stands up as the music intesifys . Midshot to long shot
Jack really close the suspect breaking him down even further and to a greater effect making him confess the shot here is close to make it more closterphobic. Midshot to a close up
The Scene ends with a long shot as jack leaves the room the suspect starts crying realizing what he's done as the screen slowly turns to black with the credits rolling