(2) Well Buckett what a great thing to ask. You see, there are actually several layers of soil underneath our feet right now.
(1) Say Rope I've been around these forests a thousand times and yet I still don't know how this soil got here.
(3) Believe it or not, there's actually several layers.
(1) Here on the ground we stand on is called the surface. It is mostly made up of decaying organisms and leaves.
(2) Wow Rope that's fascinating, but wait is that all the ground is made of?
(1) Here we can see an exposed Topsoil layer, this is mostly just humus and eroded rocks which have been deposited here.
This is some really deep water
(1) Now here we can see the next layer, subsoil. This layer is made up mostly of weathered rock and not much else.
(1) Now here we have an exposed layer of bedrock which is made up of unweathered rock. Usually it's not exposed though and is actually several feet underground.
(2) Oh I know about this layer...
This is where you get berried once you hit the approximate age of 78