Reza, we are making good headway, but we cannot grow as a company without producing a revenue model. How do you want to move forward?
VV, I think we could go the route of charging a percentage per transaction we process. How does it sound to charge a percentage of the investment amount towards the company, and a separate percentage towards the investor?
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Are you sure that would be a better idea than just charging a flat rate? How are we going to keep getting traffic if we are not free?
We need to look trustworthy as a company, being funded by ads would not do that. By charging a percentage we can remain cheaper than our rivals for small startup deals, but also reach larger profits by doing bigger deals.
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What percentage would allow us to turn a profit, but to also keep us much lower than our competitors?
I think a good percentage to charge would be 1% towards the company, and .5% towards the investor. Assuming average investments are around $100,000, we would still be cheaper and allow us to generate a revenue stream.