It starts at the outer ear or the Pinna and it collects the sound waves like a cone. Then the waves travel down the auditory canal and into the ear drum
Yes I do.There are three parts the Outer Ear the Middle Ear and the Inner Ear
Ooo tell me more
We have bones in our ears. Cool
The ear drum vibrates and the vibrations travel to the piston which is three tiny bones called the Hammer, Anvil, and Stirrup.
Next it travels to the Cochlea where transduction, where those vibrations turn into neural impulses, occurs.
These vibrations then move on to the oval window then the Semicircular canals which fun fact help you keep your balance (The Hearing Place, 2022)
WOW that is so cool I will definitely be learning more about ears.
Ear Diagram
Now we move to the brain. The impluse first stops at the Thalumus and then it tells it to go to the visual cortex in the temporal lobe where the brain procceses it.
Here look at this diagram,The Cochela contains the Bastilar membrane. Then the neural impulse travels through the auditory nerve at the back.
Hey fun fact The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear (The Hearing Place 2022)