Why, hello there! My name is Snefuru, or "Snefru", whichever you prefer. I am the first pharaoh of the 4th dynasty. Now, you must have many more questions about my past life. Let me show you....
Come in, Come in! This is my bedroom, I apologize but I have to talk quick, I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. I'm actually getting married! But we can talk more at the wedding.
Welcome! Today is a very joyous and fulfilling day, I'm glad you came. This is the new queen, my wife, Queen Hetepheres.
Hello, thank you for coming!
And flash forward some years later, me and the queen have many children, including the boy you see now, my son, Khufu.
One of my proudest accomplishments is the conquering of the Sinai Peninsula! Here, I found many useful things for me and my people, including an unlimited amount of cedar wood to help make big, sustainable boats!
I have had many more accomplishments in my time of rule, but nothing compares to the creation of the 1st "Pyramid"!
I decided to name it "The Great Pyramid of Giza"! Quite clever, don't you think?