you didint do anything wrong you were perfectly fine,But you know how silly Jim gets,when he thinks anybody is making too much fuss over Elinor
Was I making a pass at Elinor? did i do that?
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obviusly not, you were just joking her and she thougth you were funny,she only got upset when poured the clam-juice down her back
my god!what do i do now?
she will be all rigth, just send flowers or something
Did I do any other fascinating tricks at dinner?
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no you were perfectly fine , everybody love you. The maîtred’hôtel was a little worried because you wouldn’t stop singing, he was afraid they’d close the place again, if there was so much noise
so i sang,that must have been a treat.
dont you rember?you sang one sonf after other.You kept insisting that you wanted to sing some song about some kindof fusiliers,and everybody kept shushing you, and you’d keep trying to start it again.. We were all trying to make you stop singing for a minute, and eat something, but you wouldn’t hear of it. My, you were funny