IDEIA mandates that all states identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities in the state who need special education and related services. Child find is a special education service for identifying children who are suspected of having an educational disability and who may be eligible for special education and related services.
Least restrictive environment refers to the legal mandate that children with disabilities must be educated with those without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate.
Percentile rank refers to a score indicating the percentage of people or scores that occur at or below a given score. (if ranked 75% , this means that you did as well or better than 75% of students.
First fact!
Part C of the IDEA provides states with money that will allow them to provide services to infants and toddlers. Thus it is attempting to avoid any developmental delays.
Second fact!
Early interventions services provide more than just teaching. For example it provides services like nursing, family counseling, OT/PT, Speech/Lang, or even social work services.
Third fact!
It is important to taking into account both academic and social history when completing an evaluation. Each consists of valuable information for the teacher, parents, and student.