A evil man named Gilgamesh sent by the sun god was supposed to help their people ,but instead he forced his people to work day and night bulding walls to make them higher and higher each day, and the people were suffering and praying to the sun god.
what if he's better than me!!!!!!!!!
The sun god heard the people's prayers and ordered the creation that was as powerful as gilgamesh named inquirou and was sent to live with the animals.
why did you save me!
This person named shamhood was supposed to lure inquirou into coming with her to get trapped by using her music and charms but,they fell in love and then inquirou left to go fight gilgamesh and was sad to leave his animal friends.
Gilgamesh sarted watching out to see if shamhood and inquirou were coming and gilgamesh started worrying about whether or not he's strong enough to beat inquirou.
Both of them fought for a long time until Gilgamesh fell and just before he was about to die, inquirou saved him and after that , gilgamesh relized what it's like to have a friend.
People threw a big celebration and gilgamesh became nicer with his brother by his side with shamhood too. They went on boat rides to talk about how they can make their city better while shamhood played them music with her harp.