Maria plans to go to a store. She wants to make more sustainable purchases but does not know what to do.
As stated by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the USDA, a quarter pound of almonds takes 75 gallons of water to produce, and Americans eat an average of 2 pounds of almonds per year; this amounts to 600 gallons of water per year per person in almonds. Choosing to buy soy milk instead of
Replace almonds with cashews:
Maria opens her phone and makes her shopping list.
milk (brand1)
My Grocery List:
The app scans the list and gives her suggestions to make her purchase more sustainable, and Maria chooses some of them.
milk (brand1)
My Grocery List:
By clicking a specific suggestion, Maria learns the scientific information behind it.
After Maria finishes her shopping list, the app modifies it based on her selection.
Now Maria can shop for more sustainable food based on her new shopping list!