Oliver Cromwell and the English Commonwealth headed up the campaign against him, and when he won, he set up this insane Puritan military dictatorship that nobody liked. Taxes were just as high and life was just as bad. Just more proof that ordinary people aren't capable of governing themselves! By the time he was dead, everybody was ready for a real leader on the throne.
An especial elite excursion into the palace of Versailles!
We're sick of this!
But it was their right to rebel! When a ruler violates the social contract of which he is responsible for protecting the people's rights, it is their right to reject and replace him!
Is it their right to send this beautiful country into ruins? Even a bad absolutist state is better than a whole civil war or whatever Oliver Cromwell and his Commonwealth sent us into! At least one of them could keep order!
So thank heavens, in 1660, Charles II, the first Charles' son, got back on the throne. But even after that, the silly Parliament blokes still didn't feel "heard" and they kept trying to undermine his rule. Fortunately, he was smart enough to dissolve Parliament and rule without it.
Thank you, King Louis XIV. Let's move on to our next and final escapade, tea with Catherine the Great!
Well, that's all the time we have for London. On to the next adventure... across the channel into...
And I have the right to splash this coffee right in your face!
Which he had no business doing!
Of course he did! Technically he had the divine right of kings to do whatever he wanted!
La France!
Bienvenue! I see you were just discussing King James II, a most fabulous student of mine! Let me take you on a tour of my palace!
You see, just like this palace is a sanctuary to my greatness, under me France is the gem of Europe.
God's regent on earth!
The sun king,
Unbound by any outside authority,
I have taken every measure, from completely diminishing my competition among my nobility to revoking the Edict of Nantes to make sure that France is a purely Roman Catholic state that regards me as their absolute monarch,