In the bustling city of Babylon(Mesopotamia), we meet Emily and Jake, who dream of adventure beyond the empire's borders. They've heard tales of the empire's glory, but also whispers of its tyranny. Lina is intrigued by the empire's power, while Enki questions its methods.
Yo wassup bro, our empire sure is glorious! Look at all this economic growth and innovation!!
Are you sure this expansion is ethical and not oppressive to the people who are conquered?
The Call to War Babylon's ruler, King Ashur, declares war on a neighboring city-state. Enki is conscripted into the army, while Lina's family supports the war effort. Emily believes that bringing more lands under Babylonian control will lead to unity and prosperity, while Jake worries about the consequences of forced expansion.
We're going to attack that city, we will conquer the land, and take the citizens under my rule. We will have unity and economic growth! Attack! Charge! Onward!
Im scared. Could this really be a good thing?
Here. Take my family's money. More land is more prosperity. We got this!!
Battle and Ethical Dilemmas Jake faces the realities of war, witnessing the destruction and suffering it brings. Emily, from her home, cheers for the empire's victory, arguing that a strong empire ensures safety and order. Jake, however, grapples with his beliefs, questioning whether the empire's actions are justified.
Oh no! Look at all this pain and suffering! All this death and sorrow! This empire is evil!