My first impulse is to scramble from the tree, but I'm belted in. Somehow my fumbling fingers release the buckle and I fall to the ground in a heap..." PG. 172
In a matter of minutes, my throat and nose are burning. The coughing soon begins soon after and my lungs begin to feel as if they are being cooked. (..) I manage to take cover under a stone outcropping just as the vomiting begins." PG. 173
"The flames that bear down on me have an unnatural height, a uniformity that marks them as human-made, machine-made, Gamemaker-made." PG. 173
"The world had transformed to flame and smoke." PG. 172
I hurdle over a burning log. Not high enough. The tail end of my jacket catches on fire." PG. 173
"A few hours later, the stampede of feet shakes me from slumber. I look around in bewilderment. It's not yet dawn, but my stinging eyes can see it." Pg. 171
"(...) when the first fireball blasts into the rock about two feet from my head. I spring out from under my ledge, energized by renewed fear." PG. 174