You were sick and missed a week of school and your assessment is due today, want your teacher to extend the time of your assessment. The teacher wants you to hand in your assessment today. then you get upset.
Perspective taking
The student is not trying to negotiate with the teacher instead he is trying to get what he wants. Negotiation is about trying to find a win-win outcome for both parties, negotiation isn’t ordering or arguing, but stating your own needs and being aware of the other’s needs.try it again
Perspective taking
You were sick and missed a week of school and your assessment is due today, you ask the teacher nicely. the teacher listened carefully and told the student that he cant not change the deadline but his door is open if he needs help.
Perspective taking
Arguing with your brother about who gets to use the tv. You had it the night before but your brother has been home all day watching tv and your favorite show is about to come on, you take the remote off your brother and put your show on.
The brothers are not seeing each other's perspectives about what is happing, Perspective-taking means looking at a situation from another’s point of view.
Arguing with your brother about who gets to use the tv. You had it the night before but your brother has been home all day watching tv and your favorite show is about to come on you know that it is his turn and you would like it if he did this to you.