Because of the constant forced interaction between humans and the environment, many places in the world were wiped out of the face of the earth because of climate irregularities.
New York, Rio de Janeiro, Sidney, Part of UK, many islands including Hawaii, were wiped out because of strong weather irregularities. World population was reduced to 3 billion people.
The UN has taken into their wing a team scientists and engineers to develop an idea to counteract nature´s fury.
The year is 2075, a place where climate change is not a problem anymore, but more problems surged.
The idea the scientists and engineers of the UN develop became the ultimate solution for climate change and humans developed even faster from that point.
The social hierarchy has increased to the point of discrimination. Many humans live in extreme poberty and due to the climate change that happened, many cities were completely destroyed to the point of no return.
Yet the big technological advances made humans a multi-planetary species. Being able to colonize Mars and many big asteroids. Humans are at their peak in knowledge and technology.