You know, I was just thinking how God our Father created everything on Earth and created us and he trusts us to take care of what he created and respect it and he gave the Earth to us to be our home.
I think about that too. I'm very proud that you are thinking about that. Did you have something else you wanted to add?
God created Adam he did such a good job of taking care of the environment and being respectful to it and the other things God created and we don't do such a good job
I know how you feel, i feel that way to. You know what lets go for a walk and what we can do.
I have an idea, let's make a sign. Saying what we are doing and what we should be doing. I know there will be lots of people who realizes what we are doing wrong and not doing what God wants us to do and we can fix it.
Look at all the ways we are polluting. Like the food on the ground and the water bottles that's littering and polluting and people driving I learned at school that's polluting and it's the Sabbath day (Sunday) we are supposed to keep that day Holy