Griffin continues to tell Doctor Kemp his tale, at the point where he leaves Chesilstowe and takes a room in a house in Great Portland Street in London. He fills the room with appliances he had bought with his father's money.
Griffin resumes his research and conducts several experiments; in the first experiment, he makes a piece of white wool fabric invisible. In the second experiment, he makes a white cat invisible except for her claws and the pigment at "the back of the eye." The process involves bleaching the cat's blood, drugging her with opium, and placing her on a gas engine–powered apparatus for three or four hours as her "bones and sinews" and "the tips of the colored hairs" slowly fade and vanish. When the cat wakes from her drugged stupor, Griffin opens a window so she will leave his room.
Before he resumes his work, his landlord comes to his room in search of the neighbor's missing cat. The landlord notices Griffin's equipment, complains about the "vibration of the little gas engine," and asked questions about what Griffin is doing and why he is so secretive. Griffin's temper flares, and he orders the landlord out of his room. When the landlord protests, Griffin grabs his collar and pushes him out the door.
While he was still pretty excited to be invisible, he realized that invisibility had some drawbacks. For one thing, he couldn't see his feet, which made walking down stairs a little strange.The fact that people couldn't see him had advantages and disadvantages.
St. Oxford
If he does not see the character, it is because he is invisible and he tripped over a piece of clothing.
Wandering around London, Griffin came across a Salvation Army march, which drew a crowd. Crowds are dangerous to Griffin, since he can't slip through them – people can feel him even if they don't see him.
the stickman whith is Griffin (the invisible man)
Back in Kemp's study, listening to this story, Kemp looks out the window. What is he looking for? What does he see? Kemp asks Griffin to go on.