I've fixed rules and policies of the government after I ruled. These new changes have help joined the country. Making us more powerful, and turning into empire
I've built universities around India to spread knowledge among my people
We have improved by a major step in our knowledge
In 320 CE, Chandragupta I ascended the throne, and he changed the rules and policy in Magadha. These changes have helped join India together. Starting the Gupta Empire. 
People are paid too high in the government. We are running out of money for weapons to protect our empire.
My king, we are running out of money to use for our empire
Oh, no! Sighs*
Soon After Chandragupta ruled India, he built universities to spread knowledge to his people. 
Invade them when they're weak!
Help me, someone help!
Run, leave before they kill us
The Gupta Empire is considered the golden age because they have improved their knowledge in all ways. They improved in math, art, science, literature, and astronomy.
Sure miss the old days when we were in charge
The people in the government of the Gupta Empire are paid too high, leading to the Gupta Empire to slowly run out of money. The miss use of money has affected not only the economy, but also their power as an empire.
The miss use of money and Invasions of the Huns has lead to the decline of the Gupta Empire.
In 550 after the Gupta Empire's decline, Skandragupta the final ruler has vanished without any news. Maybe dead or missing