the highschool setting of perks helps develop this theme because this period is the most chaotic of our lives. we are always worried about our past, present, and especilly our future, our apearance, our relationships, our grades, etc so as a resalt there are many bad times in our lives that seem to last forever. at the same time this is when we have some of the greates first epiances, craziest parties, and biggest wins and they always triumph over our troubles.examples: charlie losing his best friend, charlie making his new best friends, his sister overcoming her abusive relationship, charlie touching boobs, charlie winning a fight, charlies kissing sam (the first time), and charlie working through his past trouma.
the lagest conflict in the book is charlie vs himself. charlie deals with aniety, deppression, past trauma, and terrible social awkardness. it negitivly affects all of his relationships, confidence, and his mental health. throughout the book he battles his issues by attempting to paticipate more in social events to make friends and learn social skills but by the end of the book it becomes apearent that participating isnt enough if he doesnt take the enishitive to do waht he want instead of accepting anything that happens to him. an example of this is when bill gives charlie books to read they immediotly become his favorite book of all time. he calls them that simply because it's the last one hes read, not because he decided the value of it over another. bill combats this by giving him a book that is very hard to agree with and tells him to "be a filter not a sponge" in order to get him to make up his own opions on the issues discussed in the book. another is in the end where sam tells charlie that she doesnt want to be his crush anymore and wanted him to do whatever his decided to do. but even then his past trauma comes back to haunt him and ruined the sterotypical best moment of his life.
at he end of the book charlie was going to lose his viginity to a girl who he truly loved but it maked him remember a represed memory or being sexally abuse by his aunt helen who was his favorite person in the whole world. the next day this caused a manic episode that ended up sending him to a mental hospital for a few months. but after battleing his tramua for weeks with therepy and forgiveness, he is released and goes out to eat with sam and patrick. sam promises to write letters, call him, and vist all the time which he is content with and makes him ready for his next year of school. this shows that no matter how brutal life can be it always gets better