Meteors rained again and fell to the deep water, the meteors have some minerals. While sinking they leave carbon and proteins. Thousand feets deep the temperature was freezing.
Under water chimneys spitting hot liquid. For some reason the Under water chimney spitts chemicals that made the first life on Earth, the water is full now of microscopic organisms. Hundred of millions of year passed and nothing changed. The ony life are sing cell bacteria.
Now it is 3.5 billion years before are time. Many things have change and there's a bacteria evolved and knew how to change water and carbon dioxide in to glucose which is food, this process is called photosynthesis. This bacteria is called Cyanobacteria which is very important to the origin of the Atmosphere.
This bacteria release oxygen during it photosythesis, slowly this bacterias fill the oceans and the atmosphere with oxygen.
After 2 billion years of filling the atmosphere with oxygen. We ahve this force that has power to change everything. It lessend the temperature up to 85°C only. The earth also moved and created the super continent Pangaea.
Due to heat the super continent broked and also it made volcanoes that release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, it created acid rains because of rains that have many amount of Co2. The rocks absored the carbox dioxide. Due to Acid rains the Co2 decreased in the atmosphere and the atmosphere weakened and can't trap heat.