We can afford to hire you so you have a job now
I have a job nowEveryone is working but my job is the best one of all of them
I could've sworn it was $2.99 last year
Economy strengthens, unemployment decreases, and prices rise.
The economy is suffering so we have to let you go
Expansion has gone as far as it can; contraction is soon to begin.
Inflation is noticeable; prices have significantly risen.
Economy declines, unemployment increases, and prices fall. If this lasts long enough, a depression plagues the economy.
How will I get money now
Figure it out
Contraction has gone as far as it can; expansion is about to begin.
I need a job so I can afford things
The place that fired him closed down because of the recession.The building used to cost $1 million, but, due to the recession, prices dropped.Repeat from the beginning.
FOR SALE$820,000
I can't wait to buy this office building and get people to work for me