Mirabel is a 15 year-old girl in the Madrigal family and their magic house casita.There was Abuela who started the family and her three children and their children all had gifts except Mirabel.So she tries to make her family proud every day.At her cousins ceramony there was a crack
She wanted to find out what was happening so she went to bruno’s tower and found a shattered vision and was almost trapped but she was safe and put all the pieces together.
Falling action
After she finds bruno he makes a vision and Mirabel has to be close to her sister Isabella.Mirabel actually felt close to her sister for the first time in her whole life and didn't want to let that go and Isabella was happy to not be perfect   
Mirabel and her Abuela had a fight and the house shattered and broke into pieces.After that Mirabel ran away but Abuela found her and Bruno came along and took then back
Everybody helped rebuild the casita, even the village.It took a couple days to rebuild but the house was better than it was before
When the casita was rebuilt everyone celebrated with dancing and everyone was happy.