Flashback to Derick sitting on the couch watching tv when the doorbell rings.
(Doorbell rings)
He walks to the door, but no one is there except for a box on the floor.
He opens the box and reads the note inside.
He laughs off what was inside the box and acts as if it is a joke.
This has to be a joke!
The scene cuts to a few hours later, while He is watching tv and begins to hear noises in the house.
He walks down to the hallway following the noise, the camera follows closely behind.
He is scared by something slamming the doors and begins run out of the house.
It cuts back to him in the present running and hiding from the monster.
Following shots are of him running escaping from the monster, and trying to distract it and lure it away so he can get to his car.
He manages to distract the monster by making some noise to lure it away. The camera, shows the monster running off in the distance while he runs away
When he gets to the drive way, his care is gone and all that is left on the ground is the note, saying "You cant run from fate". It shows a close up shot of the panic in his face then the monster appears behind him and the scene cuts.