Actually yesterday Rs.1500 was deducted from my account without my knowledge. Then I requested the bank to block my card ASAP! Now the things are in control.
What happened Meera you look a little tensed. What's the matter
I was just wondering that how did this happened?
OH I see. Did you ever shared your Account or card details to anyone before . Like your account number, CVV, passwords etc.
I don't really remember...hmm.....YEAH! Once I shared my CVV in order to get my payment's app issue resolved. But I thought the guy was just asking it to proceed my complain and to resolve it.
Hmm....but according to the National bank we should never share our account or card details to any of the company or institution nor anyone can ask you about it even if they are resolving your complain regarding the matter.
Also according to the Consumer Awareness act (COPRA) we should always be alert from these types of frauds. It also safeguards and encourages consumers to speak against. are absolutely right. From now onwards I will always be alert from these types of scams and frauds. And I will never ever share my personal credentials to anyone.