Good Morning Lilly,It is time for breakfast. Would you like pancakes or waffles?
Good morning mom and dad. Pancakes! Pancakes!
Off to School
Love you, bye.
Be good at school today Lilly. When you come home we can practice reading.
Writing Class
Today we will be learning how to pronounce and spell the words on the board.
Okay Lilly it is time to practice saying and spelling your new words. Lets start with the word nice.
The Ramsey Family starts with breakfast. Languge development is used during this time to communicate with speech. Lilly is four and can have a full conversation with her parents. Questions promote the child to use their own learning developmet in their own words.
Homework with Mom
After breakfast Lilly is off to school with her mom and dad. As they say there goodbyes lilly is excited to learn and rushes to class. She Will learn how to read and write today to assist in her learning development.
Mom I had a nice day at school with my nice friends.
During writing class we are expanding our vocabulary and understanding how to pronounce words appropriately.
As we begin to use repetition with our word we develop an understanding of the word and how to use it. Lilly continues to spell her words and pronounce them until she has developed muscle memory using the words.
Nnn-ii-cc-eeNice!My mommy is so nice.
Lilly continues to use her vocab to show her mom that she is using proper language development in her every day life. Lilly will continue to communicate and show she can use proper words in appropriate sentences.
Very good using your words lilly!
Lilly loves when her parents read to her. She asks as many questions as she can and stays engaged. When lillys parents read to her at night she is learning new words and phrases. This promotes adequate language development.