Francis Bacon was born in England on January 22nd, 1561.
He was born into a very wealthy family. His father held a powerful government position and his mother was a very respectable women.
Francis would soon developed the Inductive method for discovering natures laws.
Francis would attend Cambridge University at the age of 12. There he would study things such as astronomy, geometry, and logic along with other subjects
While in school, Francis began to question Aristotle's ideas and methods. He would soon come to the conclusion that Aristotle's ideas were getting in the way of scientific progress.
Francis would write about medieval scholars relying to much on ancient thinkers such as Aristotle.
He would try and encourage scientist to experiment and then draw conclusions. This approached would be called the experimental method.(Pg. 626 in the textbook)
This method was the opposite of Aristotle's method. With the Inductive method, you start with specific facts then go to a general rule. Francis's method would soon become as what we know it as today, the scientific method.
This method is also used all over the world today by many individuals such as scientists and students when developing a research plan.
This new method was very important because it would jump start the scientific progress again.
Francis would pass away on April 9th, 1626 in London.