This is it! Hello Africa! I can't wait to be here. I'm here to help, how hard could that be?
You must be John. I'm Mark, I'll be accompanying you on your mission trip. Let's go to the village.
Hey, don't you think it's too hot here? Maybe we should go inside, get some AC or else we'll pass out.
Today is actually a bit better than most days. It's mostly really hot here, and there's no place nearby that has AC. We have to drive a couple miles to get to one.
Hi! Have you eaten today?
These kids are so malnourished.. and they're not even worried that haven't eaten today.
Hey! Those kids may have air-borne diseases, keep your ditance!
No.. but our father can make enough money tomorrow for food, so we're able to eat tomorrow.
Hey, there's people drinking water from that river and it looks really dirty. We should do something.
You can definitely offer them some if you have. Unfortunately, we don't have enough clean water around here so people are forced to drink river water.
Help! My father can't wake up and no one seems to want to help because we're sick.
I came here as soon as I heard you screaming. What happened?
Don't worry, I'm here!
This is helpless. It's almost impossible to be here and help. What can I do if it's your environment I'm going against with? Things just kep getting worse and I had to just sit there and watch. Water, food, and medicine are basic things. Why is it so hard to have that here?!
I told you to stay away from that kid. You're going to have to be contained as you might have contracted the disease.