We have to bring back a lot more people from history this time.
Good thing Rufus got us this time travelling bus.
Confucius - 551-479 BC
Roads were made for journeys, not destinations.
Come on Confucius! It's time to hit the road.
Siddhartha - 483-400 BC
Those who cling to perceptions and views wander the world offending people.
No offense, but we need you on the bus now.
Bill S. Preston, Esquire and Ted "Theodore" Logan have transferred to Northview High School and must give one more history presentation to get their diplomas.
Plato - 428-348 BC
You are the two who kidnapped my teacher, Socrates.
Confucius was a Chinese Philosopher whose teachings influenced East Asian culture and society.
Alexander the Great - 356-323 BC
Is there room for my horse on that bus?
Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, was a religious leader and teacher from Ancient India who founded Buddhism.
Terracotta Soldiers - 210-209 BC
These stoners won't work for our presentation. They can't speak.
Plato was a Greek philosopher during the Classical Period. He was taught by Socrates.
We will take you to him dude.
Alexander the Great was a great military general in Ancient Greece who became King of Macedonia.
The Terracotta Soldiers were buried with Qin Shi Huang who was the first Emperor of China.
Julius Caesar - 100-44 BC
Veni, vidi, vici.
Not sure who those guys are, but we don't have room for them.
Constantine - 272-337 AD
Hop on the bus Pop. We are heading to Constantinople and later Timbuktu.
Theodora - 490-548 AD
Finally, a powerful woman for our presentation.
There are way too many dudes on the bus.
Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman who was a member of the First Triumvirate.
Muhammad - 570-632 AD
Constantine was a Roman Emperor who professed Christianity and later became the first Emperor of Byzantine.
Charles Martel - 688-741 AD
Please store your hammer before entering the bus.
Theodora was a powerful woman who was married to Justinian, the Emperor of Byzantine. She later became Empress and ruler of Byzantine.
Charlemagne - 747-814 AD
Quite goofing around Bill. We need to hurry up and get back to Northview.
Muhammad was a prophet and founder of Islam. After hearing revelations from Allah, he spread the Muslim religion and unified Arabia.
When you are done talking with Allah, can you come down and get on the bus.
Charles Martel was the leader of the Frankish army who turned backed Muslim invasions in Europe during the Battle of Tours in 732 AD. He was known as The Hammer
Charlemagne was a Frankish king who united Europe under the Holy Roman Empire.
Pope Gregory VII - 1020-1085
He won't leave without his Pope hat.
Richard the Lionhearted - 1157-1199
The old armor still fits. I am ready to fight in the next Crusade.
Genghis Khan - 1158-1227
Where is Bob Genghis Khan?
I think we left him back at the San Dimas Mall.
Pope Gregory VII was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States who got into a dispute with the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV over his use of Papal power.
Sundiata Keita - 1190-1255
Also known as Richard I, King of England, he was a Medieval King who was a knight during the Third Crusade.
Marco Polo - 1254-1324
Genghis Khan founded the first Mongol Empire which became the largest empire in history. The Chinese built the Great Wall to keep him out.
Zheng He - 1371-1433
He doesn't look like Simba.
Known as the Lion King, Sundiata Keita was the first ruler of the Malian Empire which was the largest in West Africa.
Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant and explorer who travelled through Asia along the Silk Road.
Zheng He was a Chinese explorer who commanded the Chinese Armada, the largest and most advanced fleet in the world for the Ming Dynasty.
When you are finished parking your armada, we need you to get on the bus.
Johannes Gutenberg - 1400-1468
Can you print out a copy of our presentation dude?
Renaissance Artists - 1452-1564
I call dibs on painting the blank wall behind us.
They don't look like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Machiavelli - 1469-1527
Bring your book. You can read it to our classmates for extra credit.
Johannes Gutenberg was a German inventor, printer, and publisher who invented the printing press.
Ferdinand Magellan - 1480-1521
Leonardo (Mona Lisa), Michelangelo (Statue of David), Raphael (Madonnas), and Donatello (Penitent Magdalene) were famous artists during the Renaissance Period.
Martin Luther - 1483-1546
Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, author, and philosopher who wrote the political book The Prince.
Henry VIII - 1491-1547
I have almost made it around the world.
Can you dock at the next port? We need you to come with us.
When you are done hanging that sign, please get on the bus.
I'm Henry the eighth I am. Henry the eighth I am, I am!
That dude has had six wives.
Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who tried to sail around the world for Spain.
Queen Elizabeth I - 1533-1603
They call her The Virgin Queen.
Martin Luther was a German professor of theology and priest who helped birth the Protestant Reformation.
Sir Isaac Newton - 1643-1727
Sir Dude, watch out for that falling apple!
Henry VIII was King of England who separated from the Roman Catholic Church and was declared the head of the Church of England.
World History Timeline Presentation Day
Let's get everyone in the school quickly. Our presentation is about to start.
Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn and became Queen of England in 1558.
Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer who derived the three laws of motion and the theory of gravity.
Bill and Ted received a 100 on their world history timeline presentation.