The plot of the story is when Desiree and the baby were running away. They were running away because Armand told them to leave. He told them this because he didn't like the fact that the baby was black.
I hate you! You're not white! Leave!
The setting creates conflict by setting a time period where they don't like black people and its on a plantation.
round, protaganist, static
static, antagonist, flat
The story is being told from 3rd person omniscient point of view. We know this because words like they, he, and she were used.
There are two main conflicts in this story which are man vs man and man vs society, but mainly man vs man; the one depicted in this comic is man vs man. The conflict in this story comes from Armand jumping to conclusions and shunning his baby and wife because he assumed that she wasn't white and poisened their child
But I love you!! I swear im white
In this story, desiree has many traits throughout and she is the main charecter but she doesn't really demonstrate any change This makes her round, static and then protagonist. Armand has very little traits and doesn't demonstrate change. Since he causes conflict for desiree, he becomes the antagonist. This makes him flat and static.
The theme of the story is don't jump to conclusions because Armand jumped to conclusions and said his wife was black