Have you guys ever thought of smart beds? I honestly think we need to make it a thing.
HAAAA!!! You must think we are living in the future...
Smart beds?!! Is that even possible?
Jamie really likes acting smart, talking about smart beds?! lol
Anything is possible with technology you know, we could make it work.
What on earth is he going on about? Smart beds?
Hey Uncle J, if you had to create a smart bed, how would you do it?
That's it!!A built in remote system with a voice recognition.
Oh, thanks uncle J.
A remote system or whatever... Jamie, I am trying to watch this match, and I am too old for Technology.
I am going to show this to Mr Nhlapo tomorrow, I am sure I will get some help and advice from him.
Okay so sir, the reason I asked to see you is because I have been working on a built in rise shine remote control with a voice-recognition app, for a smart bed. It is not entirely done nor perfect so I could use some of your knowledge.
That sure does sound interesting and I am willing to assist wherever and however I can... let us go see it.
This is it, well what I have so far.
Wow Jamie, this is impressive, just a few more touches and improvements here and there and you are good to go.
WHAT?!! He actually did it?
That is so impressive!! I wanna be friends with Jamie.