Tang Taizong created a powerful empire and had a brilliant reign. This reign lasted from 626 to 649. The Tang Dynasty ruled for nearly 300 years. The empire expanded when the Tang took over the northern and western lands of China
Under the Song and Tang dynasties, China's population nearly doubled. During the Song era which was created after the fall of the Tang Dynasty, China had at least 10 cities. China eventually became the most populated country in the entire world!
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To consolidate their power, the Tang rulers decided that they needed to strengthen the central government of China. They expanded the network of roads and canals which was an idea begun by the Sui. This helped to bring the empire together and increase trade and unity.
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To manage and maintain their power and large empire, the Tang rulers wanted to restore the bureaucracy. In order to achieve this, they revived and expanded the civil service exam system. Those who passed, became part of an elite group of scholar-officals.