Gerald Jordan is a 13 year old boy who is in seventh grade and lives with his parents, his sister Joann, and his dog named Griffen. Gerald has a secret special power.
Sam Bishop is Gerald's best friend
I will control NigeriaBY not giving people food!
Changes mindand decides to go to America
Gerald does not like bullies and uses his special power of telekinesis to fix problems. When he uses it, hisappearance changes.
Sam noticed what happened and how Gerald's appearance changed and the book flying through the air.
Gerald explains that when he was for years old, he hid in his father's lab while his father was conducting an experiment.
An Explosion happened in the lab
My father found me unconscious on the floorbut I was not hurt.
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Mean while in Nigeria
Drift lands in Americaand finds out that Gerald is a superhero.