These computers are new. The first was one of these devices were just vacuum tubes... an electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum.
Wow, computers have come so far!
Yup! The second generation consisted of a transistor, which is an electronic component that can be used as an amplifier or as a switch.
What came next?
The third gneration came next. It was Integrated circuit (IC) , which is a small electronic circuit printed on a chip that contains many of its own circuit elements
I see! So what came next to get these computers?
Well next, it was the fourth generation... A microprocessor which was an electronic component held on an integrated circuit that contains a computer’s central processing unit and other associated circuits.
Was there any more generations?
Yes, there was one more which is the one we are currently in... Reffered to as the fifth generation. This is where computing devices are characterized by artificial intelligence and the advancement of devices that will respond to natural language and be capable of learning