Ok hear me out you know those cotton pads they use for surgery? What if I invented a smaller cylinder shape version and maybe that could soak up the blood in your lady area.
Thats not a bad idea
Months Later....
That is so amazing you have to sell it to a good bussiness
Honey! I did it it actually works! I also made a applicator so you won't get your hands dirty Im thinking of calling it a tampon.
Mrs. Haas is complaining to Dr.Haas about her bulky pad.
The Rejections
A "Tampon" Thats a stupid idea.Go find someone else!
Dr. Haas is sharing his idea to help his wife.
Finally Someone!
Its sold! Thank You so much!
I will buy it for 32,000 dollars!! I love this idea.
Dr. Haas showing his wife his invention.
It continue to grow...
Dr. Haas getting rejected for the 4th time.
Dr. Haas sold the invention to businesswoman Gertrude Tendrich for $32,000.
Tampons now are sold every where and all because of Dr. Haas!